
PRP Treatment in Martinsville, VA

Tube showing platelets separated from plasma

PRP Therapy in Martinsville, VA

The PRP Treatment in Martinsville, VA is a highly sought-after regenerative therapy, popular among both celebrities and skincare enthusiasts. PRP is a regenerative treatment, using your plasma, that helps improve fine lines, skin elasticity, overall skin texture, and dark under circles. PRP also increases blood flow and circulation to the under eye area. During the procedure, Joanna will draw a small amount of blood from your arm. After using a centrifuge to spin down the blood, we can separate the platelets from the plasma. Once separated, the platelets are then microneedled into the skin, where they assist your own skin in building collagen.

PRP stimulates collagen production, improves skin laxity, diminishes acne scars, treats hyperpigmentation, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and reduces pore size.

This service is paired with microneedling or CO2 Laser for maximum benefit.

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